The pandemic has led to a rise in unemployment rates. In the UK, unemployment is at the highest level since the 1980s. This is due to people being too scared to leave their homes or look for work and also because of redundancies in major industries like construction, manufacturing and retail.

People are now looking for jobs that they can do from home or remotely – this is because they are afraid to go out into public which puts them at risk of being infected with covid. They also want to avoid having to commute every day.

There has also been a rise in hybrid jobs – these are jobs that involve both remote working and home working on different days of the week.

The new covid pandemic has been a major contributor to unemployment in the UK. The pandemic has led to redundancies, job losses and work redundancies. This is because of the increase in home working and remote working. People are also on the lookout for jobs as they fear that their jobs might be next on the chopping block.

People are also looking for alternative careers during this time of recession. There are many options available, including hybrid jobs which combine two or more different types of work. Zoom interviews have become increasingly popular as a way to quickly see if someone is suitable for a job role without having to fly them out to interview them face-to-face, saving both time and money.

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